Adult Classes

For more current information about adult classes visit the 

Kelowna Art Gallery Classes
Art of Block Printing

This class will guide participants through the basics of block printing, from simple single-colour printing, to multi-colour and layered images. Participants may choose to complete a set of art cards and/or prints ready for framing. This class is open to artists of all levels.

Instructor: Rena Warren
Dates: February 3 to March 10 | Wednesdays, 2 to 5pm
Cost: $160 ($128 for members) | Supplies not included

Beginner Drawing

This class will teach the absolute beginner the basic principles of observational drawing through a series of exercises and guided practice. Students will have the opportunity to work with a variety of drawing materials and subjects.

Instructor: Rena Warren
Dates: February 4 to March 11 | Thursdays, 10 to 1 pm
Cost: $160 ($128 for members) | Supplies not included  

To register call the Kelowna Art Gallery at 250-762-2226

Highlights from adult programming at the KAG

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